The Sustainable Aquaculture Systems Supporting Atlantic Salmon (SAS²) is a USDA-NIFA- funded project directed by Dr. Yonathan Zohar that includes a total of 17 objectives in three areas of focus: (1) Research, led by Dr. Yonathan Zohar, (2) Education, led by Drs. Deborah Bouchard and Scarlett Tudor, and( 3) Extension, led by Dr. Catherine Frederick. Research and Extension objectives also have objective leads, bolded below, that ensure the progress and success of each milestone.

All objectives focus on stakeholder-generated priorities identified from the Recirculating Aquaculture Salmon Network (RAS-N). Each of the SAS² objectives includes at least one stakeholder group, who have been involved in the planning of objectives. 


Establish domestic, year-round production of eggs for offspring with improved RAS performance: Heather Hamlin, Yonathan Zohar, Brian Peterson, Gary Burr, Benchmark Genetics, and Superior Fresh.

Optimize reproductive sterility to mitigate early maturation: Ten-Tsao Wong, Yonathan Zohar, Chris Good, Brian Peterson, Gary Burr, Ragnar Johannsson, Benchmark Genetics and Superior Fresh.

Effects of alternate RAS and insect-based feeds on the hologenome of Atlantic salmon in RAS production: Allen Place, Jaques Ravel, Skretting, and Intralytix.

Biological, technological, and chemical mitigation of off-flavor in salmon RAS: John Davidson, Yonathan Zohar, Allen Place, Jaques Ravel, John Stubblefield, Heather Hamlin, AquaCon, Exciton, Intralytix, and Hudson Valley Fisheries.

Increase water-reuse and conservation and waste removal: Kevin Sowers, Hal Schreier, Keiko Saito, Damian Brady, Abhinav Choudhury, AquaCon, and InnovaSea.

Market research and economic analysis of salmon RAS: Scott Knoche, Jonathan van Senten, Peter van Walsum, and AquaCon.


All education objectives are led by Deborah Bouchard and Scarlett Tudor, with AquaCon and AquaBounty as stakeholder collaborators.

Introduce RAS-related stem concepts to youth audiences with education accessible to diverse audiences: Carla Scocchi, Melissa Malmstedt, Tish Carr, Fredrika Moser, Adam Frederick, and Chris Flight.

Develop RAS modules to be added into aquaculture curriculum at the high school, college, and professional development level: Scarlett Tudor, Emma Hauser, Keiko Saito, Ten-Tsao Wong, Adam Frederick, and Chris Flight.

Expand existing aquaculture certificate programs to include a RAS track and develop industry occupational standards through a certifying body: Keiko Saito, Ten-Tsao Wong, Scarlett Tudor, and Emma Hauser.

Expand industry-partnered RAS internships for undergraduates and establish RAS apprenticeships for recent graduates: Scarlett Tudor and Emma Hauser.

Establish educational pathways between high school aquaculture programming, technical colleges and universities: Scarlett Tudor, Emma Hauser, Adam Frederick, and Chris Flight.


Includes AquaCon and AquaBounty as stakeholder collaborators.

Increase public awareness and literacy of land-based salmon farming: Emma Hauser and Catherine Frederick.

Engage rural communities experiencing RAS development: Catherine Frederick and Bill Hubbard, with external support from Dr. Laura Rickard and Nathan Smith.

Technology transfer & delivering science-based knowledge to end-users: Catherine Frederick, John Stubblefield, and Emma Hauser.

Youth extension programming and community outreach: Amy Lang and Jackie Takacs, with support from University of Maryland Extension.

Seafood safety and consumer education: Cathy Liu.

Improve RAS health and health management: Deborah Bouchard, Bill Keheler, Chris Bartlett, Kathleen Hartman, and Lori Gustafson.

(Video credit for this page: Emma Hauser)