Learn More RAS

On this page, you will find drop-down menus for the following: Recirculating Aquaculture Resources, Workforce Development and K-12 Education, Aquaculture Job Boards, and Aquaculture Agencies and Associations. You can close and open each drop-down option by clicking on the title. 

The Conservation Fund’s Freshwater Institute is a world-leading research facility in land-based RAS technologies. They provide free public access to all trade publications and formal journal articles covering their work and results from research. 

The University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility has a free online fish health certificate program that teaches farmers relevant risk assessment and management principles and practices to reduce loss due to fish diseases. 

RASTECH Magazine has a digital edition of its quarterly magazine covering the latest global developments in land-based RAS. The magazine is designed for individuals in the RAS sector.

RAS Talk the Podcast: RAS Talk the Podcast is co-hosted by Dr. Brian Vinci, Director of the Conservation Fund’s Freshwater Institute, and Catarina Muia, Editor of RASTECH Magazine and Hatchery International. The podcast is focused on industry leaders and discussing current trends of the RAS sector.

The Southern Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC) is one of several regional centers designed to provide extension and research needs in aquaculture. Currently, SRAC is the only regional center with fact sheets on recirculating aquaculture systems, but links to individual centers have been provided under “Agencies, Aquaculture Centers, and Associations.”

The Recirculating Aquaculture textbook provides practical and essential information on RAS. Readers will gain insight into aquaculture engineering, including how to design, construct, and manage a production system. 

Fliers for courses and programs associated with SAS2 can be viewed on our deliverables page

The Conservation Fund’s Freshwater Institute collaborated with Annex Business Media to create  RAS Academy, an online learning platform providing flexibility to learn about RAS.

Maryland Sea Grant and the University of Maryland Extension’s K-12 educational program, Aquaculture in Action, uses aquaculture to teach scientific principles, including chemistry and applied physics. Annual workshops train K-12 educators in the curriculum and provide logistical support with system setup in the classroom. 

University of Maine’s Aquaculture Research Institute has two programs focused on workforce development in aquaculture, including RAS systems. Their Sustainable Aquaculture micro-credential pathway is open to any adult age group, regardless of educational background, and offers professional development in skills that align with industry workforce needs. The paid 12-week externship program pairs externs with host institutions and industries to gain relevant on-site job training. 

The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility offers internship opportunities to undergraduates interested in developing aquaculture skills and research experience. This video provides a first-hand experience of an intern who worked at the facility. The university also has formal education opportunities that lead to an aquaculture minor and an aquaponic certificate. Additionally, a K-12 aquaponics program connects local schools with tools and educational resources for the classroom. 

The Maine Aquaculture Association has published industry-informed occupational standards for aquaculture sectors in Maine, including RAS production.

The World Aquaculture Society (WAS) Job Board is an up-to-date database for aquaculture-related employment opportunities and information. WAS membership is not required to view or apply to posted jobs

The Texas A&M University Wildlife and Fisheries Management Job Board is managed by the Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management as a resource for jobs related to their fields of interest. This includes aquaculture and hatchery positions.

National Aquaculture Association

Maine Aquaculture Association

Wisconsin Aquaculture Association

NOAA Office of Aquaculture

USDA Aquaculture

Aquaculture Regional Centers

North Central Regional Aquaculture Center: NCRAC represents aquaculture in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center: NRAC represents aquaculture in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia.

Southern Regional Aquaculture Center: SRAC represents aquaculture in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Virginia.

Western Regional Aquaculture Center: WRAC represents aquaculture in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.