Recirculating Salmon News is the best way to receive updates about the Sustainable Aquaculture Systems Supporting Atlantic Salmon (SAS²) project. Written and compiled by Dr. Catherine Frederick from the University of Maryland Extension and featuring a message from Project Director Dr. Yonathan Zohar, this publication provides comprehensive updates on SAS² project research, education, and extension initiatives. The newsletter is designed to keep funding agencies, researchers, educators, industry professionals, and sustainable seafood advocates informed.

Recirculating Salmon News – December 2023 

Recirculating Salmon News – September 2023 

Recirculating Salmon News – June 2023 

Recirculating Salmon News – March 2023 

Recirculating Salmon News – December 2022

Recirculating Salmon News – July 2022

Photo credit for header photo at top: Narayan Mahon, taken at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility.